Marketing storytelling can be a powerful tool for your content. It is a great way to make your content more personal and evoke emotions in your audience. But how can you integrate storytelling into your content? Does it always have to be a complete story with heroes, setting, climax and grand finale? Are there ways […]
How to Use Audience Personas to Create Spectacular Content
Understanding your audience will bring you many steps closer to creating content they want, need and actually consume. It will help you achieve more with less content – simply by producing exactly the content your audience is looking for. That’s what audience personas can do for you: Make your content creation on target for each […]
Competitive Blogging Schedule: How Often Should You Post on Your Blog?
Many aspiring bloggers are intimidated by the need for fresh content for their blogs. They doubt they can keep up their blogging schedule of posting several posts per week over a longer time. But do you need to post so often? Is quantity the key to blogging success or should you focus more on quality? […]
Outstanding Results: Emotional Triggers that Inspire Customers to Act
If your content did not bring you the results you were looking for in the past, you may have tried to convince your audience with logic. Time to talk about the emotional part of decision-making and the emotional triggers you need to know to get better results from your content. Are you aware that 95% […]
Unlocking the Secrets: Keyword Research for Bloggers Who Hate SEO
The key to getting free traffic from search engines is keyword research. Neglecting keyword research is short-sighted and dopey. Who would voluntarily pass on free traffic if all it takes is a couple of minutes browsing the internet? So here is your guide to keyword research for bloggers: find keywords and phrases your audience uses […]
Authentic Content Creation: Tips And Tricks You Need To Know
When I started content creation for marketing, I just wrote. I created content packed with information and thought that would be enough. Little did I know about how to create great content, content that captures attention, builds a connection with my audience, plays with emotions, and finally converts readers into subscribers and customers. I was […]
Business Storytelling Frameworks: The Remarkable Power of Narrative
Stories can build an emotional connection with your audience. Emotions drive engagement and conversions. However, not every story is captivating. Business storytelling frameworks help you craft stories that lure your audience into your narrative, capture and hold their attention, and bring them to the story climax that triggers actions. Business storytelling frameworks make sure that […]
Link Bait: How to Bait People to Take Action
Creating content with a goal in mind is at the heart of any content-based marketing strategy. Creating content with the goal of attracting backlinks is called link bait content. This post is about the good, the bad, and some actionable examples of link bait content that you can easily create to earn more back links […]
Emotional Content And How To Unlock Massive Marketing Power
Emotions are a powerful force. They can motivate us, inspire us, and even change our behavior. That makes emotional content so effective in marketing. I don’t know about you, but I sure take different actions and make different decisions if my emotions are boiling. And that’s why some content has the power to build community […]
The Hypnotic Power Of Storytelling: Unleashing The Beautiful Magic
As your blogging personality is crucial for your blog’s success, the stories you tell are what sets you apart, and makes you personal and memorable. Incorporating digital storytelling into your blog and brand content will help you build community and make your content stand out. People can get facts in many places. The internet is […]